I am a skilled front-end web developer who has been building things on the web for a number of years. I have extensive experience coding responsive websites with mobile first in mind. I possess a passion for learning new technology and strive for clean, semantic code that makes sense.
Pearson Embanet
Systems Support Analyst / Web Developer
Toronto, ON | May 2009 - present
- Supporting cloud based server infrastructure on AWS. Tasks include setting up new environments, maintaining version control systems and managing website deployments
- Automating everyday server maintenance tasks through Bash and Python scripting
- Coding and maintaining more than 200 responsive websites using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and WordPress
- Collaborating with designers to meet business requirements and build websites based on PhotoShop mock-ups
- Debugging and performing QA for code across multiple browsers, operating systems and mobile platforms
- Monitoring incoming support requests through Jira
The Law Society of Upper Canada
Web Developer
Toronto, ON | 2005 - 2009
- Worked with clients and content producers to update and maintain public and intranet websites
- Facilitated coding and development to ensure compliance with W3C accessibility standards
- Tested websites on multiple platforms including speech and text browsers
Pet Health Inc
Web Designer
Oakville, ON | 2003 - 2004
- Maintained over forty websites including graphic design and front-end development
- Oversaw search engine optimization and paid placement campaigns
- Produced reports on website traffic and other statistics
- Coordinated and designed three monthly e-Newsletters
City of Toronto Cycling Committee
Communications and Web Facilitator
Toronto, ON | 2000 - 2001
- Designed and developed Cycling Committee website, including HTML coding, graphic design, creating PDF documents and content editing
- Coordinated and wrote monthly online and print newsletters, including coding, design and layout, development of distribution strategy, and management of subscription database
Pictorius Inc
Web Developer / Technical Support Analyst
Halifax, NS | 1998 - 1999
- Developed/assisted in the development of several Internet and intranet projects
- Monitored and responded to clients’ technical support requests
HTML5 - CSS3 - JavaScript - PHP
Frameworks and Libraries
jQuery - Sass - Bootstrap
Tools and Applications
Gulp - AWS - PhotoShop
Version Control
Git - Subversion
WordPress - Jekyll